Absences Policy

As of late there have been about 10 students who are habitually absent and several others who often miss once a week. This warning is primarily for those students, however those of you who have or may miss a class in future will want to read this as well.

Class Participation is 10% of your grade overall but there is another reason to come to class: social cognition. Those who have come to class have had the opportunity to bounce ideas off of each other as well as receive feedback from me both in class and in conference outside of class. Students have also had help in navigating the primary texts of the class, composing their let's plays, and finding texts for their outside research for the final paper.

If you are one of the 10 students who have not been to class on a regular basis, odds are you will not pass the class. If you are missing class without talking to me and/or making up classwork outside of class, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage.

As I said day one most of your grade is due at the end of the semester but odds are those who try to cram an entire semester in one month will not pass.

If you have not invested time in this class by Spring Break, I strongly recommend that you drop the class. Keep in mind: the drop date is March 19th.