Revision Policy
As you all know, your final versions of your let’s play and your final conference paper are both due at the end of the semester. It is not a good idea to start them late in the semester nor is it a good idea to only draft them once. Therefore, you can come in for help revising them throughout the rest of the semester.
1. Set up a meeting: Sign up for a meeting in class. Meetings can take place before or after class and you can request a private meeting or a meeting where classmates are allowed to listen in and provide feedback.
2. Email draft: Email me with a draft of what you have. Make sure that the subject line of the email says “Draft: Conference Paper” or “Draft: Let’s Play”. Also include in the body of the email what day/time you signed up for.
3. The meeting: I will have ‘graded’ your draft but of course the grade will not be your final grade. I will give you my notes and we will go over them one by one so that you know what and how you need to revise. Do not leave the meeting until you understand clearly what you need to revise.
Note: It is advised that you take notes or use some other method to remember what was said during the meeting. One of the most common post-meeting emails I get is asking for details on what was said during the meeting. Odd are I will not remember every student meeting I go through in a day so it is on you to remember what you need to do to revise.
4. Repeat as necessary: Revise and start the process over again. Make sure you get the grade you want before you turn in your paper.